'use strict'
const ScriptTask = require('./ScriptTask.js')
const p = require('path')
const uuid = require('uuid')
const util = require('util')
* A Callable Script Task
* @module tasks/CallableTask
* @contant {String} Container path
* @see module:containers/CallableContainer
const CONTAINER = p.resolve(__dirname, '../containers/CallableContainer.js')
* CallableTask interact with the forked script
* @extends module:tasks/ScriptTask~ScriptTask
* @class
* @inheritdoc
function CallableTask(script, options) {
if(!(this instanceof CallableTask)) { return new CallableTask(script, options)}
options = {}
options.containers = [CONTAINER].concat(options.containers || [])
ScriptTask.call(this, script, options)
util.inherits(CallableTask, ScriptTask)
* Call a script method without expecting an answer
* @param {Mixed} ...arguments
* @return Promise resolve when message has reach destination
CallableTask.prototype.call = function(...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.channel.send.apply(this.channel, args)
* Get a script property, expecting an answer.
* The {@link module:containers/CallableContainer Callable Container} is handling functions, promises
* and simple getters
* @param {Mixed} ...arguments
* @return {Promise<...data>} resolves on answer
CallableTask.prototype.get = function(...args) {
let uniqueCallback = uuid.v4()
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.channel.once(uniqueCallback, resolve)
this.channel.send.apply(this.channel, args)
module.exports = CallableTask