Tutorial: 4-Worker


A Worker allows to manage multiple tasks. This Worker covers only basic features and it is the base for the CloudWorker and the QueueWorker.

For example, having a simple task that answer to my messages:

process.on('message', function(d) {

My worker will handle a couple of tasks:

var Worker = require('relieve/workers/Worker')
var Task = require('relieve/tasks/ForkTask')

var task1 = new Task(fork('answer.js'))
task1.name = 'task1'
var task2 = new Task(fork('answer.js'))
task2.name = 'task2'


//send a message to every task
worker.send('message', 'hello world')
//Promise resolves when every message has reach the task
.then(function() {

The worker also allows to retreive tasks:

//by name
worker.task('task1').send('message', 'hello world')

//or through a Map
for(let t of worker.tasks.values()) {
  t.send('message', 'hello world')

See more advanced use cases with the QueueWorker or the CloudWorker.