'use strict';
const fork = require('child_process').fork
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const IPCEE = require('ipcee')
const p = require('path')
const util = require('util')
const defineNameProperty = require('../utils/defineNameProperty.js')
const listenersPropagation = require('../utils/listenersPropagation.js')
const debug = require('debug')('relieve:scripttask')
const EventEmitter = require('eventemitter2').EventEmitter2
* A Script Task
* @module tasks/ScriptTask
* @contant {String} Container path
* @see module:containers/ScriptContainer
const CONTAINER = p.resolve(__dirname, '../containers/ScriptContainer.js')
* ScriptTask takes a module path and runs it in a container
* @class
* @extends IPCEE
* @see {@link https://github.com/soyuka/IPCEE}
* @see {@link https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html}
* @param {String} script the path of the script
* @param {Object} options
* @property {ChildProcess} channel the ipcee channel
* @property {String} [name=uuid.v4] the task name
* @property {Object} options Task options
* @property {Boolean} options.restart Restart when exit
* @property {Number} options.restartDelay Delay before restart
* @property {String} options.container Base Container
* @property {Array} options.containers An array of additional containers
* @property {Object} options.eventemitter Eventemitter2 options
* @property {Object} options.childprocess childprocess.Fork options
* @property {Object} options.interfaces Javascript prototype which grasp on the Task prototye
* @property {[]} running the ipcee channel
function ScriptTask(script, options) {
if(!(this instanceof ScriptTask)) { return new ScriptTask(script, options) }
options = {}
if(typeof script !== 'string')
throw new TypeError('Script must be a string!')
this.script = script
this.options = {
restart: options.restart || false,
restartDelay: options.restartDelay || 0,
containers: options.containers || [],
containerArgs: {},
container: options.container || CONTAINER,
eventemitter: options.eventemitter || {wildcard: false},
childprocess: options.childprocess || {},
interfaces: options.interfaces || []
this.running = false
this.events = []
this.arguments = []
this.startedAt = 0
this.restarts = -1
this._nameGenerated = true
this.options.interfaces.length && this.options.interfaces.map(i => {
if (typeof i.attach !== 'function') {
console.error('Interface should have an attach method')
* @event module:tasks/ScriptTask~ScriptTask#exit
* @property {Number} code
* Exit event listener
* @param {Number} code the exit code
* @listens module:tasks/ScriptTask~ScriptTask#exit
ScriptTask.prototype.onExit = function(code) {
this.running = false
this.events = []
if(this.shouldRestart === false) {
* Error event listener
* @param {String} error message
* @param {String} stack stack trace
* @listens module:tasks/ScriptTask~ScriptTask#error
ScriptTask.prototype.onError = function(message, stack) {
console.error('Error caught on %s', this.name)
ScriptTask.prototype._createFork = function(args) {
debug('Forking %s with args %o and options %j', this.script, args)
this._fork = fork(this.options.container, args, this.options.childprocess)
return Promise.resolve(new IPCEE(this._fork, this.options.eventemitter))
* Start the Task
* @param {Arguments} args Arguments for the child_process
* @throws {ReferenceError} if already running
* @listens exit
* @return {Promise} resolve when Task emits start
ScriptTask.prototype.start = function(...args) {
if(this.running === true) {
return Promise.reject(new ReferenceError('Already running'))
this.shouldRestart = this.options.restart
if(args.length === 0)
args = this.arguments
args = args.map(e => JSON.stringify(e))
//adds the script in first position
//adds the event emitter options in last position
let containerArgs = this.options.containerArgs
containerArgs.eventemitter = this.options.eventemitter
containerArgs.containers = this.options.containers
this.identity = containerArgs.identity = this._nameGenerated === false ? this.name : this.script
return this._createFork(args)
.then((channel) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.channel = channel
this.channel.on('error', this.onError.bind(this))
this.channel.once('exit', this.onExit.bind(this))
for(let i in this.events) {
let e = this.events[i]
debug('Registering event', e)
this.channel[e.method].apply(this.channel, e.args)
this.running = true
if (channel.startedAt !== undefined) {
this.startedAt = channel.startedAt
return resolve()
this.channel.once('start', (startedAt) => {
this.startedAt = startedAt
* Restart the Task
* @return {Promise} resolves when restarted
ScriptTask.prototype.restart = function() {
let restart = () => {
return Promise.delay(this.options.restartDelay).then(() => {
this.shouldRestart = true
return this.start()
if(this.running === true) {
return this.stop()
} else {
return restart()
* Fake event emitter, call events left in the stack
* @param {String} event
* @param {Array} args
* @private
ScriptTask.prototype._fakeEmit = function(event, args) {
let remove = []
for(let i in this.events) {
let e = this.events[i]
if(e.args[0] == event) {
e.args[1].apply(this, args)
if(~['once'].indexOf(e.method)) {
for(let i in remove)
this.events.splice(remove[i], 1)
ScriptTask.prototype.stop = function() {
if (this.shouldRestart) {
this.shouldRestart = false
return this.kill()
* Kill sends a signal to the Task
* @param {Number} signal
* @see ChildProcess#signal
ScriptTask.prototype.kill = function(signal) {
if(!this.channel) {
return this._fakeEmit('exit', [-1])
let client = this.channel.client
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.channel.once('exit', () => resolve())
client.kill.call(client, signal)
* Childprocess.send wrapper
* @throws {ReferenceError}
* @param {String} event
* @param {Arguments} ...args
* @return Promise
ScriptTask.prototype.send = function(/** event, args **/) {
if(!this.channel) {
throw new ReferenceError('The task is not running')
let args = [].slice.call(arguments)
let channel = this.channel
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
args.push(() => {
return resolve(this)
channel.send.apply(channel, args)
* Mimic the IPCEE methods, register events on every task
listenersPropagation(ScriptTask, function replicateListener(method) {
return function() {
let args = [].slice.call(arguments)
if(!this.channel) {
debug('No channel, keep event', {method: method, args: args})
this.events.push({method: method, args: args})
} else {
this.channel[method].apply(this.channel, args)
module.exports = ScriptTask