'use strict'
var util = require('util')
var Worker = require('./Worker.js')
var Promise = require('bluebird')
var debug = require('debug')('relieve:seriesworker')
const STRATEGY = require('../strategies/WeightedStrategy.js')
* A Cloud Worker will use the same script and act on each one according to
* the strategy
* @module workers/CloudWorker
* @class
* @extends module:workers/Worker~Worker
* @property {Strategy} [strategy=Strategy] The round robin strategy
function CloudWorker(options) {
if(!(this instanceof CloudWorker)) { return new CloudWorker(options) }
options = {}
Worker.call(this, options)
this.options = options
this.strategy = options.strategy || STRATEGY
util.inherits(CloudWorker, Worker)
* @inheritdoc
CloudWorker.prototype.onExit = function(name) {
return function(code) {
return Worker.prototype.onExit.call(this, name)(code)
* @throws TypeError if task has no start method
CloudWorker.prototype.add = function(task) {
throw new TypeError('Task must be an instance of ScriptTask or CallableTask')
Worker.prototype.add.call(this, task)
return this
* Send a message to the next available task
* @throws {ReferenceError}
* @param {String} event
* @param {Arguments} ...args
* @return Promise
CloudWorker.prototype.send = function(...args) {
return this.strategy.next()
.then((name) => {
let task = this.tasks.get(name)
return task.send.apply(task, args)
function getOrCallNext(method) {
return function(...args) {
let task
return this.strategy.next()
.then((name) => {
task = this.task(name)
if(!(method in task))
return Promise.reject(new ReferenceError(`The task has no '${method}' method`))
return this.strategy.start(name)
.then(() => {
return task[method].apply(task, args)
.then((...newArgs) => {
args = newArgs
return this.strategy.end(task.name)
.then(() => {
return Promise.resolve.apply(Promise, args)
* Call `get` on the next strategy available task
* @method
* @see module:tasks/CallableTask~CallableTask#get
CloudWorker.prototype.get = getOrCallNext('get')
* Call `call` on the next strategy available task
* @method
* @see module:tasks/CallableTask~CallableTask#call
CloudWorker.prototype.call = getOrCallNext('call')
* Start tasks
* @return Promise resolves when every task is started
CloudWorker.prototype.run = function() {
let stack = []
for(let task of this.tasks.values()) {
if(task.running === true)
let s = task.start()
.then(e => this.strategy.push(task.name))
return Promise.all(stack)
module.exports = CloudWorker